Sunday, November 18, 2012

The State of the Situation, Part 1/2

Boring Classroom
     Education today, despite all of its evolving and improvements throughout times, is still riddled with problems.  Students today are unchallenged, and this leads to boring, unfulfilling work which has become a infused with the average drone of the school day.  This boring day is not just restricted to those who do not care about school, either, as each day intelligent children are intellectually starved of enrichment they need to reach their fullest potential in the name and service of teaching the the entire class, instead of specializing education to tailor each student's needs.  

     When the average pre-collegiate teacher looks at the notion of homework, they see a task, often meaningless, which must be given to students.  This is not just an educational decision, but it is also used to instill discipline as well.  This is an incorrect decision; Students require homework to be an important part of the classroom experience, instead of the busy work it has become now.  The consequences of this are outlined in an article on which can be found here, the author compares a good teacher to a misguided one, saying "his class’s homework average was 87, but the class grade average was only a 72. Talk about a negative correlation. The interpretation here is that the homework which is done is not done properly; the students just rushed through in order to have something for this teacher to look at when it was checked".  When the homework is not just boring, dull work assigned to students to keep them busy, it can actually have a positive impact on the student.  

     Students face a number of problems presently, and while some of them are not placed upon them by the system, a lot of them are, and teachers and administrators need to look at how they're choosing to educate their children, and then decide if there are better alternatives.

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